We are proud to offer fall protection for single-family, multi-family residential as well as commercial and high-rises in the provinces of BC, AB, and Yukon territory, from supply-only to turnkey custom solutions. We provide a combination of products and services to meet all legislated requirements and your unique needs. As well, we will include firm pricing and, where possible, provide options for you to choose from.
Sloped Roof Fall Protection
The innovative Slope Safe™ products allow for permanent engineered systems that can be used for work positioning, travel restraint, fall arrest and suspension while meeting all provincial and CSA requirements. Unlike common strap anchors, the Slope Safe™ modules are designed for permanent use, can be load tested on site to 2,500lbs (11.1kN) and have been tested using CSA Z259.15 protocols for dynamic and static loads of 5,000lbs (22.2kN).
Having an engineered permanent system is safer than temporary strap anchors as strap anchors typically do not meet the required loading, are often poorly installed, are not site tested and are subject to a worker’s judgement on where to place them. Additionally, workers can be 100% protected on a Slope Safe™ system as they do not have to install a temporary strap anchor while unprotected and system design allows for a permanent vertical lifeline to attach to so they are protected before they even leave the hatch or extension ladder (mounting and dismounting a ladder is when a majority of falls from height occur).
The modules are installed “top-down” on suitable wood frame structures and the integrated flashing mates with shingles, SBS or TPO roofs. The module design allows for re-roofing without removing the module’s structural components (it can be used as fall protection during roofing), blends with roof top equipment and can be used on new or existing roofs. The ability to install anchor loops, vertical lifelines and horizontal lifeline cable systems to the standard module gives workers the safety they require and owners the assurance and liability reduction they want.
Counterweighted & fastened

All of our counterweighted and mechanically fastened guardrails are permanent solutions that meet provincial codes and can also meet CSA 259.18. Permanent guardrail is an example of passive fall protection, meaning workers do not need special skills or equipment for a guardrail to be effective. Passive solutions are the preferred solution of supervisors, WCB and safety professionals. Counterweighted (i.e. counterbalanced, non-penetrating or ballasted) guardrails are an ideal choice for projects as they minimize envelope penetrations, are pre-engineered and do not require roofers or welders.
Guardrails are typically used where covers, floors or walls cannot be installed or are not practical. Typically, they are installed to protect workers between roof levels or at a roof edge, on a mezzanine, or next to skylights, roof hatches, or open holes. We have years of experience in designing unique and safe systems that accommodate custom site conditions. Talk to us today about designing a guardrail for your unique situation.
Fall Arrest and Window Washing
Anchors, cable systems and davits
Anchors must be of the correct type for the work being performed and must be properly installed, inspected and tested. Our experienced team can assist you with a new or existing anchor system. We make sure you have the anchor system (i.e. fall arrest anchor, suspension) and anchor type and connection (i.e. wall, roof anchor, mechanically fastened, adhesive fastened) that your project requires; including wood truss buildings.
One type of cable system is a horizontal lifeline (HLL), typically composed of wire rope arranged horizontally that provides a simple attachment solution to workers and continuous protection as a worker moves horizontally. Thorough design and engineering are a crucial part of this complex solution in order to ensure your project’s needs and legislative requirements are met as the resultant forces of an HLL can be extreme. HLL systems are an excellent solution if site conditions allow. Let us help determine if horizontal lifeline fall protection is suitable for your project.
Another type of cable system is a vertical lifeline (VLL), typically constructed of rope or wire rope and arranged vertically; both ends can be attached or the lower end may be free. A VLL protects workers as they move vertically. Fixed ladders with long climbs are a perfect application for a vertical lifeline, access from a roof hatch or extension ladder to the roof peak on a sloped roof is another example of how a VLL can protect a worker.
Davits consist of a vertical mast with horizontal arm projecting outwards that is used to suspend a work platform or person without applying forces to the parapet. Davits can have the bases mounted permanently into a building or can be free-standing with the use of counterweights. Typically, a project will have a larger amount of davit bases and fewer davit arm and mast combinations that are used at the davit bases.
Safe Access
Non-penetrating hatch guard, ladder port, skylight guard
Roof hatches are an easily overlooked fall hazard while working on a roof. An open hatch is a fall hazard when walking, loading or hoisting within 2m (6.5′). A hatch guard is a modular customizable railing system that can work on a variety of hatch sizes and orientations. The specially designed mounting brackets used in conjunction with the threaded rods provide a non-penetrating connection that clamps to the roof hatch. The installation of a hatch guard also provides a great handhold when mounting and dismounting the ladder or stairs. The best designed hatch guards incorporate an area between the gate and the hatch so workers can safely open and close the gate off the ladder.
The ladder port or ladder stabilizer, provides a clearly delineated access point for a temporary ladder, while not providing a route for unauthorized access. The ladder port securely holds a ladder and the upper guardrail safely moves worker away from the edge. Incorporating a ladder stabilizer with a guardrail, provides a safe area to gather and/or hoist supplies.
A skylight is considered an open hole unless the skylight is designed to resist a person falling on it. Skylight guards with their non-penetrating attachment, provide protection to workers walking by the skylight or conducting maintenance on the skylight.
Engineering and Certification
Inspections, certifications, load testing
For existing systems, our in-house consultants, drafters and our engineering team will ensure that you have a fully compliant system that includes all the required inspections, documentation and testing.
For new construction and retrofit applications, our team will design the best system(s) for your project and budget.
Prevention is the best solution in the fall protection industry; therefore, our ultimate goal is to make sure all your fall protection liabilities are addressed from system design to ongoing compliance requirements. Site inspections and load testing are utilized to determine the state of an existing and at intervals required by WCB and CSA. After gathering the necessary information, a clear and concise report is issued outlining the findings and any actions that need to be taken.
As mentioned above, we can safely load test your equipment using our years of experience and our calibrated equipment. We load test roof anchors, wall anchors, davit arms, davit bases, HLL terminations, rigid rail systems and other equipment as required. We also keep track of your project milestones (i.e. annual inspection, load testing requirements and certification) for your convenience to ensure your system is continuously compliant. We can also further reduce your liability with detailed access plans and worker protocol.
Special Projects
Permanent ladders, crossover stairs, rigid rails, custom anchor solutions
A permanent ladder is a ladder mounted permanently to a structure. These ladders are primarily used to access roofs or other structures for maintenance purposes. We will help ensure your ladders comply with the standards set out by your relevant Federal or Provincial regulations.
Crossover stairs and platforms are a convenient method for providing access to workers over obstructions such as conveyors, piping, ductwork, or between roof levels.
Rigid rails are a method of providing continuous coverage similar to an HLL, but without the deflection and additional fall clearance HLLs require.
We have many different styles of anchors available that we could use for your project, sometimes these just do not work. As a company that enjoys solving challenging problems, we often develop, engineer and fabricate custom anchors for your specialized project.
New construction & existing buildings
We utilize the hierarchy of fall protection (below) and your project specific needs to provide the best options available. kN Fall Protection can assess your existing issues or get involved in the planning and design stages of your new construction project. It is our goal to provide cost-effective practical solutions to the client; these solutions are designed to provide user-friendly, compliant and safe working environment to the end-user while being fiscally responsible.